Revere Point Count

Revere Point Count

The Revere Point Count Blackjack Strategy is contained in the book PlayingBlackjack as a Business by Lawrence Revere. However, it does not containindexes for multiple-decks. This is too bad since it is one of the mostpowerful multi-deck card counting strategies. I created a set of compromiseindexes for RPC designed for multi-deck but that can be used for any numberof decks.

His Advanced Point Count (APC) was one of the top working tools of the professional blackjack player of the time. Revere died in 1977, after a seven week bout with cancer of the liver and lung. Revere died in 1977, after a seven week bout with cancer of the liver and lung.

  1. The BC improves with a side count of aces. For example, if aces are side counted in the Omega II count and properly used to adjust the true count it can improve the BC from 0.92 to 0.99. 3) BC = Betting Correlation 4) PE = Playing Efficiency 5) IC = Insurance Correlation 6) SUM = SUM OF POINT VALUES = (A+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9).4 + (T.16).
  2. With the Revere point count, (3, 4, 5, 6) have a value of +2 while (2, 7) have a value of +1 and (10, J, Q, K and A) have a value of -2. The Revere Point Count System is more accurate than the Zen count systemas it offers a 99% correlation to betting during game play. The system is more effective to variations that make use of multiple decks.

This is a Lite strategy. That is, it is designed for ease of use andnot as powerful as a full strategy. The strategy only has eleven multi-deckindexes plus four Surrender indexes and only two index values (0 and 6.)You can use a strategy like this to start and then use better indexeslater when you gain more experience.

Revere Point Count Lite Tags

Cards: Ace through Ten: -2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 0 0 -2

True Count Calculation: divide by full decks. (Note: The original ReverePoint Count calls for half-decks.)

RPC Index values

CountThere are two groups of indexes:
  • Group 1
    • Hit/Stand 16v10
    • Double Down 9v2
    • Hit/Stand 13v2
    • Hit/Stand 13v3 (Hand-held games only)
    • Hit/Stand 12v4 (Hand-held games only)
    • Hit/Stand 12v5 (Hand-held games only)
    • Hit/Stand 12v6 (Hand-held games only)
    • Surrender 15vA
    • Surrender 15v10
  • Group 2
    • Hit/Stand 15v10
    • Hit/Stand 12v2
    • Hit/Stand 12v3
    • Double Down 11vAce
    • Double Down 9v7
    • Double Down 8v5
    • Double Down 8v6
    • Surrender 15v9
    • Surrender 14v10

Group 1 index value is always 0. Group 2 index value is +6.

Insurance is +3 for single deck and +6 for multi-deck.

Note: Four indexes in Group 1 (13v3, 12v4, 12v5 and 12v6) are only usedin single and double deck games.


To measure performace I compared RPC-Lite with 11 indexes and the Fab4 Surrender indexes to HiLo with the Illustrious 18 & Fab 4 indexeswith the following results for varying spreads:

  • At Six decks, 75% penetration, S17, DAS, LS: 6.8%-7.1% improvementover HiLo
  • At Six decks, 75% penetration, S17, DAS: 6.6%-7.4% improvement overHiLo
  • At Six decks, 67% penetration, S17, DAS, LS: 9.6%-11% improvementover HiLo
  • At Six decks, 67% penetration, S17, DAS: 9.3%-10.7% improvement overHiLo

Performance at single deck is about the same as HiLo.

Clearly adding uncompromised indexes later can improve results.

Revere point countCount

Revere Advanced Point Count

Indexes were generated with the CVDataBlackjack Simulator.