High Stakes Sports


Just because you like to bet much larger amounts than the average Joe does not mean you shouldn’t get to reap the benefits and rewards of using online gambling. What it does mean, though, is that you need to put a lot more time into selecting your future high-stakes sports betting home. As the minority among sports bettors across the globe, the resources to help you make this decision are rather limited.

Luckily for you, though, we’re going to dive head-first into this topic today. Now, before we get started, some of you may be ready to get your bets in now and don’t need the reason for the season. If that’s the category you fall into, here you go. Below, you’ll find the list of the top-rated, most-trusted high-stakes betting sites available. You can rest assured that your online betting experience will be top-notch with any of these highly recommended providers.

For the rest of you that are still wanting to do a little research before pulling the trigger, we completely understand. On the remainder of this page, you’re going to find two key sections put together by our team of high-stakes betting sites experts. First, you’ll see the criteria that a betting site needs to have if you’d going to be placing big wagers there. Second, we’re going to walk you through some tips you need to know to choose a high-stakes betting site and make sure that you’re protected.

Betting Site
BonusBet Now
1 up to €30 Free BetGo to Site
100% up to €122Go to Site
3100% up to €200Go to Site
100% up to €50Go to Site
5 100% up to €50Go to Site

The Criteria a High-Stakes Betting Site Must Have

If you’re only betting a few bucks here and there on a game, there are certain betting site attributes you can probably deal with missing out on. Since the amount you’re wagering is small, the risk and need for these qualities is typically low. But when you start betting large amounts, things that are on the wish list move over to the must-have list.

Below, you’ll find our list of the most important things that a high-stakes betting site needs to have to be worth your time and money. These things are non-negotiable and can be used as a checklist when evaluating where it is you’d like to place your bets. Keep in mind that these are the main criteria we used when coming up with our list of recommendations you see above.

Here are our suggestions for the top payment providers for high stakes sports gambling. Many of our top-rated betting sites for high stakes accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The deposit limits at some are as high as $500,000 which is basically impossible to find for the other payment options. 2021 Sky High Stakes overview including Nominations for the Group 3 feature at Rosehill on Saturday featuring the stayers like Mustajeer and Avilius.

High Deposit and Withdrawal Limits

Two of the biggest hurdles that high-stakes bettors run into when trying to get action online is the deposit and withdrawal limits at most sites. While a few thousand dollars is plenty for 99% of sports bettors, it falls short for big players or those looking for a big rush. If you typically bet several thousand a game at a brick-and-mortar sportsbook, what good is it going to do you if you can only get a couple thousand online at a time? Are you just going to take weeks to get enough on to place all your bets?

This is why certain sites have taken on the task of catering to high-stakes players. These sites will have deposit limits where you can get sizeable chunks of your bankroll on in a very short period of time. Additionally, the sites also need to provide withdrawal limits that are comparable. If the site lets you put $50k online in one transaction but then only lets you withdraw $500 at a time, you’ll be waiting years to get all your money and winnings off. This is unacceptable.


High-stakes sports betting sites must have options on both sides of the transaction to accommodate your larger transactions.

Fast Payouts and Adequate Options

Not only do high-stakes betting sites need to have large payout limits, but they also need to have adequate payout options that are fast. Now, you’ll notice that we said adequate payout options and not a bunch of payout options. It’s okay in our book for a sportsbook to have only a few payout options for big withdrawals as long as those options are adequate.

Basically, as long as the sportsbook has a way of getting you your money quickly, that’s all that matters. Now, a lot of the sites we’ve recommended do have several options for withdrawing large sums, but this isn’t something that we personally require. That being said, more options are always great in case anything changes, and you decide you’d like to receive your winnings in a different manner.

Regarding speed, this is also something that is relative. In the real world (outside of gambling and sports betting), if you make a large account transfer or movement of money, it can take a little extra time. This is usually to make sure that no mistakes are made and that the money is protected. We’re completely okay with this, as long as the cashouts come quickly and on time with what is laid out by the site.

If they say it’s going to take three days, we’re completely fine as long as it doesn’t take any longer than that. When unnecessary delays start happening with large sums of money, we’re not okay with that, and you shouldn’t be either when you’re a big player.

Higher Bet Limits

Just because a sportsbook lets you load a lot of money into your account does not mean it gets the check mark of approval just yet. The sportsbook also needs to have higher betting limits on the sports that you want to bet. If you have $50k in your account but can only bet $500 a game, you’re probably not going to be very happy. You’ll basically have a bunch of money sitting in your account that you won’t be able to put into play because of the limits.

One of the biggest differences you will see across even the sites we recommend are the bet limits. The best advice we can give is to check out each site for the types of bets you like to make. Before you put any money on, make sure that they have the limits that you want. As you will see in our tips below, there are some ways to work around this if you aren’t pleased with the initial number you see. For the most part, though, we expect the limits at the high-stakes betting sites we recommended to be great for most of you.

VIP and Rewards Programs

Almost every sportsbook online has some sort of VIP or rewards program. However, most of these VIP and rewards programs are directed towards the “normal” sports bettors. Don’t worry; we aren’t calling you weird or not normal. What we mean is that the majority of bettors with any site are going to be lower-limit bettors that bet only a fraction of what you do. While a $200 deposit bonus might be great for them, it’s probably not even going to get you to bat an eye.

Now, if you’ve read any of our other resources, you know that bonuses and promotions are the very last thing we look at when evaluating an online sports betting site. Things are no different when it comes to high-stakes betting sites, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still want to get everything we can.

Look for sites that have programs you can take advantage of. Typically, this won’t be much to do with deposit bonuses, but cash-back or frequent player point promotions will be popular. If you check the website and don’t see a promotion you like, you should just check another site, right? Not so fast.

You’ll see in our tips below that a lot of times you can talk with the customer support and work out special deals and promotions just for you if you’re a big player. We’ll cover exactly how to go about doing that in the tips section below.

What we’d like for you to take away here is that if you can get your hands on a great promotion or rewards program, awesome. If the site you want to bet at has everything you want but no promotions, it might still be worth betting there. Bonuses and promotions should be treated as a “cherry on top” and not a make-or-break site characteristic.

Top-Notch Customer Service

When you’re dealing with larger sums of money, you’re going to want to be able to get help with your issues and answers to your questions much quicker. You’re not going to be wanting to wait around when you’ve got issues that need to (and deserve) to be taken care of quickly. For this reason, the quality of the customer service offered by a betting site is a big deal to us.

Additionally, we take a look at what options are offered to higher-limit players. These are things that you’re not going to see listed on the site, but they may be available for bettors like you. What does this look like? Well, what we like to see is some sort of dedicated line to someone within the company or a way to “skip the line” to get priority support.

This can look a lot of different ways, but we want to see a site offering you some sort of priority support. If they don’t take the time to set up some way for you to be better taken care of, then they aren’t doing a great job as a high-stakes betting site.

The Best Site Security

This is a must. When you have large amounts of money anywhere, you’re going to want the best of security. Whether this is a bank or an online sportsbook, the security needs are exactly the same. What we require from a high-stakes betting site to get our seal of approval is security against external threats as well as security from internal threats.

External threats involve hackers trying to gain access to the site and get their hands on your money or personal information. Internal threats have to do with site staff getting their hands on your money or your personal information. Obviously, both of these situations would be equally terrible.

For this reason, we look extensively at the security measures an online sports betting site has in place. Do they have the right encryption in place? Do they have the right safeguards to keep their staff on a need-to-know basis? Is their software up to date and regularly updated with security patches? Do they have a dedicated team working on-site security? Are they up to date on protection measures for new and evolving threats?

These are just a few of the questions we ask and research when evaluating the quality of a high-stakes betting site. There is no room for error here. If even one aspect of their site security is not perfect, we don’t want anything to do with them, and you shouldn’t, either.

A Solid, Documented Industry Track Record

There are many times that we recommend newer sports betting sites to our readers. This is not the case when you’re betting with larger sums of money. Obviously, having an issue with any amount of money is important, but it becomes a lot more important with larger sums of money. For this reason, when selecting high-stakes betting sites, we want to see a longer company history and track record.

Does the management team have experience working with larger sums of money? Has the site had any issues with cashouts, withdrawals, or paying out bets? Are there a lot of customer complaints that can be validated? How long has the company been in the business? Do they own any other gambling or sports betting sites that have a good track record or have had issues?

These are just a few of the questions our team needs to have answered before recommending a high-stakes betting site. We ask these same questions with any betting site we recommend, but we review them with a much finer-tooth comb when more money is at stake.

An Acceptance of Winners

If you’re an experienced sports bettor, you’re going to already be aware of this point. Some sportsbooks have a problem with sports bettors that are beating them too often for too large of sums of money. While there is nothing illegal about beating the sportsbook, they do reserve the right to refuse service. Basically, they can ask you to stop betting and go somewhere else. Believe it or not, this happens all the time.

Sportsbooks don’t like to have professionals betting large sums of money because it affects their bottom line. They’d rather have a bunch of recreational bettors betting smaller amounts of money and giving them almost a guarantee of making money. Good news, though. Not every sportsbook operates this way. There are some sportsbooks that are willing to take any action no matter who it is coming from.

These are the types of sites we recommend for high-stakes betting. When you’re a bigger player, the sites that kick out winners will be much quicker to send you packing. If you plan on losing, don’t worry about this. We are just kidding; hopefully, you aren’t going into sports betting with the plan of losing. The point is, though, you need to make sure you’re betting with a site that is okay with you winning. That way, if you come out firing and winning, you won’t need to find a new high-stakes betting site.

Tips for Choosing a High-Stakes Betting Site

Knowing what to look for with a high-stakes betting site is a great start, but there is more that goes into choosing your sportsbook home. Because you’re going to be betting much larger sums than the normal bettor, you’re going to want to pay extra attention to the small details.

Below, you’ll find a collection of tips and things to consider when choosing a high-stakes betting home. Our experts (who are big bettors themselves) have listed what they personally found to be the most important to ensure a solid higher-stakes online betting experience.

Know What You Want

You’re going to have a really hard time finding a site that’s a great fit for you if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. This is actually much more important when you’re a high-stakes bettor from a logistics standpoint. Why? Well, you’re going to be moving a lot more money onto the site than the traditional bettor. This means that if you load all your money onto a site and then realize it’s a bad fit for you, you’re going to have to move all of that money off again and back onto a new site. While you hope this would go smoothly, it would probably be a logistical nightmare.

To avoid having to do this, take the time to make sure you pick the right high-stakes betting site from day one. The best way to do this is to make a list of what you have to have and what you refuse to deal with. These are your deal-breakers. Once you have an idea of exactly what you want, get out there and find it. We’re pretty sure everything realistic you want in an online sportsbook, you’ll be able to find with the options we’ve recommended above.

Do Your Research

This shouldn’t be a decision you make lightly. Yes, sports betting is fun, but when you’re making decisions with large sums of money, you need to make sure you are doing your homework. The good news is that the fact that you are here reading this shows you care and are already doing your research.

A solid next step after you finish this guide is checking out the different sites we’ve recommended. Instead of just looking at one, though, look at several of them. This is research. Figure out which one is the best fit for you and offers you more of what you’re looking for. You need to be able to bet somewhere you’re comfortable and have the amenities and opportunities you need to turn a profit.

We’re not here to sound like your parent or school teacher, but please don’t be lazy. Take a little extra time, and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and heartache in the long run.

Contact Customer Support FIRST

When you’re a big-time player, you want the sportsbook to know you’re there. Why? Well, we touched on it a few times throughout the guide, but we want to hammer it home here. Sportsbooks are willing to go above and beyond to make sure that you are happy when you’re a bigger player. However, they aren’t going to be able to do anything special for you if you aren’t in contact with them.

For this reason, we recommend you start your betting career with a new site by contacting their customer support. Request to speak to someone that deals with higher-limit players. If they don’t have someone who does that, that’s probably a good sign you’re not at a great site for you.

Now, what should you be looking to talk to customer support about?

Here are several things we would suggest you ask them or ask for.
  • Ask for a special contact that you can work with directly. This should be a lot like a VIP host or a higher-up in the company that can help you get things done when you need them.
  • Ask how they handle customer support when your personal contact is not available. Ideally, you’ll have a VIP host that will take care of everything, but there will be times you need help when they aren’t available. Make sure the high-stakes betting site you choose has a process in place to make sure you get help first.
  • Ask them about their VIP bonuses or rewards programs. While they might not have anything listed on the site that would help you, they might have hidden programs they can put together for you. If they do happen to have something listed that you like, make sure there are no limits on it and that you can still take advantage of it. There is no such thing as too many questions here.
  • Ask them if they have any unlisted ways to deposit and withdraw large sums of money. Make sure you clarify that the methods they have, listed or unlisted, work for you. Ask about time frames and fees as well just to clarify.

Make sure you ask every single question you want to and that you get the answers you’re looking for. Keep a copy of the customer chat log just in case there are ever any issues in the future.

Remember, You Have the Power

It’s important that you approach all of this with the correct mindset. As the big bettor with the big bucks, you have the power. The sportsbooks are going to want your action, and they need to treat you as such. If they ever treat you like you’re a hindrance or inconvenience, you need to either set them straight or move your action elsewhere.

There’s a reason that if you go to a Vegas casino and are a big bettor, you get special attention. This should be no different when you’re wagering online with a high-stakes betting site. Don’t become a pain their neck but do get the attention that your business deserves.

Ask for Higher Limits If You Want Them

A recurrent trend you probably see throughout this entire guide is to ask for what you want no matter if it’s listed or not. As a high-stakes bettor, you should be getting special privileges and considerations from the sportsbooks due to the size and volume of your action. One area that you can ask for a change is the betting limits that are listed on the site.

Let’s say that you like to bet $5k per game, but the high-stakes betting site you’re interested in only offers bets up to $3k. Should you just bet smaller or find a new site? Well, those options should definitely not be your first move. What you should do is contact customer support or your personal site representative and ask if they are willing to change the limits for you.

While they might say no, it does not hurt to ask at all. They may grant you the privileges permanently, or they may give you the ability to place certain bets at the higher limit. Regardless, you’re never going to know unless you ask. We’ve heard from our team of experts that most of the time when you ask for higher limits, they are going to be accommodated.

Diversify Your Bankroll

When you’re first getting started betting online, we recommend diversifying your bankroll across a few sites. Why? Well, for a couple of reasons. First, strategically speaking, you should be shopping lines to get the best value on all of your bets. If you aren’t shopping lines, you need to check out our strategy section now.

The second reason is for added protection. Do we think there is a risk you should be worrying about? No. But do we think it’s still smart to play the “just in case” game? Yes. Think about how you do your banking. Almost every single wealthy person has their money diversified throughout a lot of different investments and even keeps their money in several different bank accounts. Do they (you) really think that the bank you have your money with is going to go under? Of course not. But you still take the precautions anyway.

That’s what we’re recommending you do here. No, it’s completely not necessary, and we won’t fault you if you keep all your funds on one betting site. But from a strategic standpoint, you’re probably going to want to look into changing that mindset.

Get Started Betting Now

At this point, you should be ready to finish up your research and start getting your accounts set up. We recommend checking out the high-stakes betting sites we’ve recommended at the top of the page. These are the most trusted sportsbooks that offer the best action and the best overall experience. Click through the sites now, see what they have to offer, and chat with the customer support agents to get any of your questions answered.

Choosing a high-stakes sports betting site should be fun, but it’s also something you want to take seriously. Do your homework, check out the options, and ultimately, you’ll find a great place to take your bigger betting action online.

In the world of sports betting, there are your regular bets that most folks
make, and then there are large wagers coming from people betting sums of $10,000
or more at a time. We’ve crafted this page for the latter of those sports
bettors that are betting high stakes of cash on their sports wagers. If you’re
already a high stakes bettor, then this page can help you elevate your
high stakes game. For the rest of you, this page can assist you with
understanding what you can expect if you’re able to raise your stakes to a
higher level down the road.

In our guide to high stakes betting sites, we’ll be filling you in on
all of the details that you’ll need to know. Below, we’ll bring you our
suggested sites, talk about what you should look for in these sites, provide
frequently asked questions, and much more. By the time you finish reviewing this
page, you’ll leave much more well-versed on the topic. Now, let’s get into the
good stuff!

If you already know that you need a high stakes betting site based on
the size of your bankroll and bets, then this section is for you. We’re here to
help you locate your high stakes sports betting website home so that you can
place all of your wagers from the convenience of your phone or computer. We’ve
gathered up the absolute best of the best high stakes betting websites in
the chart below. If you’re ready to get started right this moment, you can get
the ball rolling with any one of these quality operations.

RankGambling SiteDeposit BonusGet Started
#1 Up To €150Visit Site
22Bet Sports
100% Up To €122Visit Site
#3100% Up To €200Visit Site
10Bet Sports
100% Up To €50Visit Site
#5100% Up To €50Visit Site

We’ve done the research and handpicked these sites so that you can save
yourself the time. Every one of these suggested sites has high betting limits
available, excellent customer service, and are very trustworthy. In addition,
they also offer their clients large deposit and withdrawal limits. In short,
these are the perfect sites for anyone looking to wager high stakes.

One thing that we should point out is that we’re completely independent of
these suggested websites. These sites earned their place on our list by being
trustworthy websites that are the cream of the crop. We never let websites pay
us to receive excellent rankings or reviews. Here, what you see is what you get
since we’re able to give you our honest thoughts and feelings.

For those of you not quite ready to sign up yet with a high stakes sports
betting site, we’ve got plenty more just for you. If you’re looking to gain a
better understanding of these sites, keep reading below. You’ll find tons of
great information to help you understand if these high-stakes betting websites
might be a good fit for you and your sports betting needs.

What Makes a Sports Bet High Stakes?

There is no set standard definition of what makes a high stakes sports bet.
That being said, most folks often refer to a high stakes wager as one that is
five figures or more. In that case, that means that a high stakes wager would
involve at least $10,000 or more.

However, $10,000 is the low end of high stakes wagers. Many high stakes
bettors make six-figure wagers on a regular basis, which means that they’re
betting over $100,000 on a single wager. Even more extreme, it’s not uncommon to
hear about an occasional seven-figure (over $1,000,000) wager on major sporting
events like the Super Bowl or a significant boxing match.

If you’re like the majority of the population, your typical sports wager
isn’t even close to what most people would define as high stakes. If you’re not
there at this time, you’ll at least be better informed of what is required if
you’d like to eventually work your way up to being a high stakes sports bettor.

What to Look for in a High Stakes Betting Website

If you’re planning to do your own search for a high stakes sports betting
site, we’d got some things that we suggest you look for in your quest. When
seeking your high stakes betting home, you’ll want to check as many of the
following boxes as possible. By doing this, you’ll be more likely to find
yourself a top-notch website that’s going to provide you with an excellent
experience. Don’t forget that if you don’t want to do your own research, you can
quickly get going now with one of our suggested sites at the top of this page.


First and foremost, you’ll want to find yourself a betting site that can be
trusted. This is important anytime that you’re betting with real money. However,
it’s even more critical for folks looking to wager big dollars with high-stakes

High stakes sports
The goal here is to avoid putting your money on a site that might be untrustworthy.

There are several different ways for you to go about locating a trusted site.
For one, you can turn to any friends of yours that are currently doing their
sports betting online. Some of them might highly recommend the websites that
they wager on. Another route is to use Google to locate sites like ours that
help give you honest feedback about these online sportsbooks. Finally, you can
check out other general blogs out there to see what kind of reputation the
website has. Ultimately, you only want to place your funds on sites that have
quality reputations when it comes to trustworthiness.

Banking Methods

Next up, you need to find one of these websites that gives you the ability to
bank in one of your preferred methods. The reason that this is important is that
you’ll have to utilize these banking options to get your money onto and off of
the websites. You will find that banking methods do vary between sites.

Often, websites will offer a variety of banking methods for you to select
from. Typically, we see banking options such as bank wire, Bitcoin, and credit
cards. If you prefer to bank in Bitcoin, then seek an online sportsbook that
lets you deposit and withdraw using Bitcoin. With so many different online
sportsbooks out there, you should be able to locate one with high-stakes limits
that also has your preferred banking options.

High Deposit Limits

While you’re investigating deposit banking methods, also pay attention to the
deposit limits offered by any high stakes site that you’re
considering. The goal here is to locate a site that has deposit limits high
enough for your betting needs. If you’re planning to wager big bets, you’ll have
a tough time doing that if you can only load a couple of hundred dollars at a

In most cases, websites will spell out their deposit limits on the cashier
page of their website.

Often, the amount that you can deposit depends on the
banking method that you select. If the published deposit limit is too low for
you, then we’d suggest that you reach out to their customer service team. In
many cases, these sites will manually increase deposit limits for clients on a
case-by-case basis. It never hurts to ask, so give it a shot if you’re looking
to deposit more than what the website says you can.

High Betting Limits

While this one should seem obvious, we figured that we’d still state it here
just to make sure that you don’t accidentally overlook this one. For those of
you looking to place high stakes wagers, you’ll need to end up on a sports
betting website that allows you to place those large sports bets. Unfortunately,
many of the online sportsbooks out there have lower maximum betting limits,
which is why you’ll need to search specifically for ones with higher limits.

If you find a site that you really like, but their betting limits seem too
low for your needs, you can always contact them to see if they’ll work with you
to increase the betting limit. We’ve heard plenty of success stories from
readers that have been able to have their betting limits increased after working
with the support team on different sites. In many cases, if you’re willing to
deposit large amounts or if you’re a VIP for their site, they’ll help you get
your betting limits up from the standard website default.

High Payout Limits

Another important thing to investigate is the payout limit on any sportsbook
that you’re considering. While this isn’t ever a concern for your typical sports
bettor, it does come into play for high stakes bettors. We wanted to make sure
to cover this one, as some high stakes folks are not even aware of the
implications of payout limits.

It’s important to understand that there is a critical difference between the
maximum bet limit and the maximum payout limit. The bet limit is how much you’re
allowed to wager on a single bet. It’s not uncommon to see maximum bets of
$10,000 or more on some online sportsbooks. In contrast, the maximum payout is
the most significant amount that a sportsbook will pay out on a single bet.

To help illustrate this a bit better:


Let’s say that you place a $10,000 wager on an underdog for the Kentucky Derby race with 12:1 odds.
If you end up picking the winning horse, you’re expecting a payout of $120,000,

High Stakes Sports Betting

Well, maybe. In many cases, these online sportsbooks have single bet
payout limits ranging between $50,000 and $100,000. Unfortunately, no matter how
much you think you should make, you’ll be capped by the maximum payout limit of
the site. This is why you’ll want to find yourself a high stakes betting site
that gives you the highest possible payout limits.

Ultimately, there is no point in you making certain bets if the payout limits
will stop you from getting the most money possible. By doing this, you’re only
increasing your risk while the casino limits theirs. To combat this, you may
need to split your wagers up between two different online sportsbooks to get
yourself the largest potential payout.

High Withdrawal Limits

Along with being able to move large sums of cash onto the site, you’ll also
need the ability to move large amounts of money off of the website. Here, you’ll
want to check out the withdrawal betting limits offered by any site that you’re
investigating. Your goal should be to locate one that gives you high withdrawal
limits so that you can quickly remove large sums of money when needed.

Unfortunately, many online sportsbooks have some pretty limiting withdrawal
limits. For most of the Average Joes out there betting ordinary sums, it doesn’t
really impact them. But if you’re wagering higher stakes, it can put a dent in
your plans. In some cases, we see websites that only allow their clients to
withdraw a maximum of $1,000 a week. On top of that, it can just be done in
increments of $500 at a time. In short, it’s a complete pain, and it’s a waste
of time.

If the posted limits on the website are too low for your needs, you can
always contact their team to see if they’d be willing to work with you. We’ve
definitely seen plenty of times where websites have adjusted things for
higher stakes clients in an attempt to help keep them betting on their website.

Competitive Lines

Up until this point, we’ve covered lots of things about the policies and
settings specific to high-stakes sports betting sites. However, we also wanted
to make sure that we included a handful of basics that apply no matter if you’re
betting high stakes or not. Up first, we wanted to discuss the competitiveness
of betting lines briefly.

Before you sign up for a site and deposit large sums to kick off your
high stakes betting adventures, take a few moments to make sure that the site
offers you lines that are competitive. Since you’ll be betting massive sums of
cash, it’s essential that you squeeze every drop of potential profit out of the
sportsbooks to help you increase your bottom line.

Based on our experience, many online sportsbooks tend to average out all
around the same for the most part. However, we’ll occasionally come across some
with better odds than other websites. You’ll want to find this type of
sportsbook in your search. It’s easy to compare lines between different websites
by merely picking a few wagers and then shopping them at various sites. If one
website tends to have worse lines than the others, take that one off of your
list of potential sites.

Bonuses and Promotions

Something else to shop around for is a high stakes sports betting site that
offers some great bonuses and promotions. Once again, you have a ton to gain
here thanks to the large number of dollars that you’ll be betting. If you work
with the right online sportsbook, you could earn thousands of dollars in free
bonus cash over your time betting there.

One of the most lucrative ways for you to score bonus cash is through sign-up
welcome bonuses.

Due to the super competitiveness of the online sportsbook
world, websites use these welcome bonuses as a way to stand out from one
another. Most often, these bonuses are structured as dollar-for-dollar matches
based on your initial deposit. It’s not uncommon to find sites willing to match
upwards of $5,000 just on the welcome deposit alone!

Another way for you to pick up some bonus cash is through reload deposits.
Whenever you need to top off or reload your betting account, many of these
websites will offer you another deposit match on your reloads. This is another
way that you could earn several thousands of dollars for your betting account.

As you shop around for your online sports betting home, make sure to
investigate their bonus options. Your goal should be to locate the site that
gives you the most significant bonus cash potential so that you can make as much
as possible while doing your sports betting.

Quality Customer Service

Finally, the last thing that you should seek in your sports betting website
is quality customer service. This is something that many folks mistakenly
overlook before they get the ball rolling with a site. However, we caution you
not to rush into things until you get a feel for how well they take care of
their customers.

In the beginning part of working with a new online sportsbook, you often
don’t need to interact too much with the site’s customer service unless you have
a question pop up. That being said, quality customer service really comes in
clutch down the road if you ever have a more substantial issue arise. By finding
a site with excellent customer service now, you’re ensuring yourself that you’ll
be in good hands when you need it later.

The best and fastest way to judge a website’s customer service is to try it
for yourself. It’s as simple as calling, emailing, or live chatting with their
team. Once you reach them, see how quickly they connect with you and how good
their answers are to your questions or concerns. Ultimately, these are the folks
that will be helping you down the road if you have a problem, so you’ll want to
flush out now if they are offering you quality service or not. If you’re not
sure what to ask, you can ask them about deposit methods, bonus options, or
their games offered.

How to Set Up a High Stakes Sports Betting Account

If you don’t yet have a high stakes sports betting account, we’ve developed a
simple how-to guide to help you get things rolling as soon as possible. The tips
below have been gathered from some of most prominent sports bettors that we are
connected with.


As you’ve seen above, we’re huge fans of you doing some research before you
sign up and deposit on a sports betting site. If you have not checked out our
detailed section above on what to look for, be sure to circle back and read
that, as it’s got all of the details that you need to find your perfect online
sports betting home.

Notify Your Bank

Next up, you’ll want to call your bank to let them know that you’ll be making
some deposits onto your website of choice. By doing this, you’ll avoid the
possibility of your bank holding things up due to concerns relating to potential
account fraud, especially since you will be using high dollar amounts. Giving
them this simple heads-up should save you some time and headache.

Set Your Terms

Before you make your initial deposit on the site, we’d suggest that you give
their support team a call to set the terms of your account. Your goal with this
call should be to establish your deposit, payout, bet, and withdrawal limits. In
many cases, if you’re prepared to make a significant deposit, anything is up for
discussion. By getting this out of the way upfront, you’ll ensure that you don’t
hit any limits or snags later on.

Establish VIP Status

While you’re on the call with them setting the terms of your account, you’ll
also want to work with their team to establish your VIP status on their website.
Often, those players coming in with massive deposits can work their way
immediately into the higher tiers of VIP status. The higher up you get in VIP
tiers, the more perks such as cash back and insurance you will receive.

Establish a Direct Line of Communication

Finally, the last thing that you’ll want to do is make sure that you
establish a direct line of communication with the website. Your goal here is to
get a dedicated phone line to a dedicated account rep. Consider this your own
personal betting Bat Phone. What you don’t want is to use the primary 800 phone
number. With a direct line of communication, you’ll receive better service than
you would by just calling into the main support line.

The Potential Downside of High Stakes Betting

Before we close things out, we wanted to make sure to briefly touch on the
potential downside of high stakes sports betting. While we understand the thrill
and excitement that comes along with making five-figure or higher wagers on
sporting events, it’s also vital that you have a balanced view. As quickly as
you can make money from that wager, you can also lose it all.


Betting any form of real money involves risk. Because of this, it’s critical
that you never bet more than you can afford to lose. If you’re tight on cash and
you’re having a tough time keeping food on the table or making rent, then sports
betting should take a back seat. You’ll never want to use any form of gambling
as a way to try and make ends meet.


If you’d like to
learn more about gambling responsibly, you can check out our
page dedicated to the topic. This is worth a scan if you’re ever worried that
you’re perhaps getting a little too loose with your betting.


High-stakes betting can be a complete blast if you’ve got the stomach and the
bankroll for it. Hopefully, our detailed guide on high stakes sports betting
websites has helped you gather up all of the details that you needed to either
get things started or improved. Thanks for reading our guide, and best of luck
in all of your further high stakes sports betting adventures!
To help close things out, we’ve gathered up some frequently asked questions
related to high stakes sports betting sites. You can check these out if you’ve
still got some unanswered questions at this point.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible that online sportsbooks will reduce my betting limits?

Unfortunately, this is always a possibility. While we always hate it when we
hear of someone’s betting limits being reduced, it’s the right of the sportsbook
to do so since it is their platform and operation. Whenever a sportsbook lowers
the limits of a client, they are often working to reduce their exposure of
losing big.

If you’d like to avoid having your betting limits reduced, there are a few
steps that you can take. First, if you have an account manager, be sure to touch
base with them regularly so that they have a relationship with you and know what
you’re up to. By staying in touch with them, you’ll be less likely to have your
account limited.

Next, make sure that you’re not just betting on obscure sports and wagers. If
you’re only placing wagers on oddball sports like handball and Gaelic sports,
then your account might get flagged as a potential handicapper. Instead, make
sure that you’re betting on some of the popular sports like football and
basketball along with any other sports of your choice.

Finally, we’d suggest that you bet in whole figures such as $750 as opposed
to ones like $746.19. Specific wagers like this tend to flag bettors as
potential handicappers looking to hedge their bets.

Am I safe betting high stakes wagers online?

Luckily, the vast majority of online sportsbooks out there are safe places
for you to do your sports betting. That being said, there are some websites out
there that are not trustworthy and therefore should be avoided. To help you
avoid some of these potential problem casinos,
we’ve developed a blacklist page.
Each of these sites has a track record of untrustworthiness that makes them
qualify for the naughty list.

High Stakes Sports Gambling

While we do our best to update that as often as possible, our blacklist might
not be all-encompassing since new online sportsbooks pop up regularly. If you’re
considering a new online sportsbook, we’d urge you to do some research on the
site before you deposit any funds onto the website. Often, just a short amount
of time reviewing things on trusted websites like ours can aid you in
determining if the site that you’re considering is legit or not. Also, don’t
forget that we’ve included a list of our hand-picked best sites for high-stakes
sports betting at the top of this page. You can trust any one of these sites to
become your high stakes betting home.

Should I use multiple high stakes betting sites?

It’s ultimately a matter of personal preference if you’d like to use more
than one website to place your high stakes wagers. If you don’t mind doing it,
we highly suggest it since it will help you shop your betting lines to make sure
that you’re getting the most bang for your dollar. With the amount of cash that
you’re betting, finding the most beneficial line in your favor can add up to
some significant additional profit over the long haul.

High Stakes Sports Betting Online

If I place high stakes wagers on these sports betting websites, will I
become a VIP?

Unfortunately, we can’t predict this with 100% certainty. The reason for this
is that every online sportsbook has different criteria when it comes to who
makes the cut for their VIP list. In many cases, the details are not even
published, which makes it even harder for us to give you an absolute answer.


What we can tell you is that in many cases, high stakes bettors are often
quickly swept into a site’s VIP program if one exists. If you’re spending large
amounts of cash doing sports betting on their website, they should want to take
the best care of you possible. Also, if you’ve been betting on a website for a
while and they have not ushered you into their VIP program, try contacting their
team. Ultimately, if a site isn’t willing to offer you VIP membership, another
online sportsbook most likely will if you’re spending a large chunk of money on
sports wagers.

What kind of perks will I get if I become a VIP on one of these sites?

If you’re cool enough to make the cut to become a VIP on one of these sites,
you usually can expect some excellent perks. It’s tough to tell you exactly what
to expect as the perks do vary significantly between online sportsbooks.
However, in general, we tend to see cool things such as account managers, extra
bonus opportunities, free withdrawals, and even VIP-only trips and parties. From
everything that we’ve seen and experienced, if you’re able to become a VIP of
one of these websites, you should not be disappointed in the perks that you’ll